We arrived in LYG after it was dark, so couldn't see much. Our hotel is lovely and right near the ocean in the are they are making into a resort. We had a difficult time at dinner....we were so very hungry and tired after the ride. Our waitress didn't speak any english, not even "french fry." We tried to order by pointing but suspect the Chinese and english on the menu did not line up exactly. Dane had spaghetti which was passable but very sweet. My sandwich arrive with all RAW ingredients. I thought I was ordering a grilled ham and cheese, but got something like a club, with spam and egg and a bunch of raw veggies which looked good, but unfortunately we can't eat (due to concern about the water they are washed with.) Salad got me good and sick the last trip and I'm not going to chance it this time. So we asked them to cook it. They tried, but the result wasn't great. I ate the bread and tried to order some tomato soup. They first brought some other strange soup, and then tomato soup which was like a sweet broth with hunks of tomato in it. Not good. I ate some of our travel mates fried rice and decided to try one more time.
They had this huge drink menu and big bar. They had a display of martini's that look like you'd find in any nighttime hot spot...and I was a bit frazzled by this point. The kids were both fussy as crazy. Clio had to be taken up the room by dad as she was not behaving. So, I point on the menu to Whiskey Sour thinking "how can they screw that up?" Well, I got a glass of straight Jim Beam. It's not my usual choice, especially on an almost empty stomach, but let's just say I was defiantly more relaxed the rest of the evening.
So this morning we went out and did some touring of the city our Tiany was born in. The harbor is very beautiful and they are improving it and building villas and vacation homes all around. We joked with our travel mates about buying a time share here. You'll see the funny mix that is China in the photos to some extent...poor, dilapidated fishing boats, moored below vacation mansions. This area is a small island just off the coast called Lian island. I picked up some rocks here, for Tian to have a small piece of her homeland.
After the harbor we drove through the city of Lianyungang. The construction theme continued with high rises being built all over and cranes all across the horizon. It is a fairly pretty city with flowers in the roundabouts and many areas of tress and gardens.
We also visited Tian's finding spot. We are keeping the details of this private for her, but I have to say I felt such sadness visiting there, I almost burst into tears. I just hugged her and promised never, never to leave her. I can't imagine the sadness and pain her family must have felt to put her down, walk away and never know if she is safe and loved. If I could get a message to them somehow, I would want them to know how precious she is to us.
Anyway, here are some photos from our journey today.
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