Last night we went to the market to buy Tian's some more clothes. She is longer than I thought and hence skin shows between her socks and pants leg. The other adoptive parents reading this will know this is a critical sin here in China and little old ladies will come squawk at you that you aren't keeping the baby warm enough. Easier to buy her some new clothes and not deal with it!
Now that we have two Chinese daughters we are attracting even more attention than before. When I stopped to buy something, we were surrounded by about 20 people. Dane managed to say that we didn't' speak Chinese and produce the little cards I made that told why we are here and where our daughters are from. That brought on lots of thumbs up signs....except for the little old lady who scolded Dane about Tian's short pants....he was able to gesture that I was being a good mom and buying her something new. This seemed to be acceptable and we were allowed to continue on our way.
This is a "lucky" tree.
Do what we did and wrap a blanket around the bottom of Tian's legs when she is in the front carrier! That kept the Chinese ladies at bay. LOL Kaitlynn was also very long legged and not a lot of the pants we bought her fit in length either. That hasn't changed to this day! She has dancer's legs and loves it in jazz class!
She is absolutely perfect! I wanted to remind to you to check if you have time while at LYG the name of Carly's nanny. Her chinese name was Lian Tian Shi DOB 5/15 and we got her July 9th. We love the photos. Glad you guys are staying down there we stayed at the Ramada and food was a challenge every day.
Thanks so much!
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