We wanted to do something special with Clio prior to bringing her little sister into the picture. Since she loves the princesses so much, Disney seemed like the perfect option. It's cool that her first Disney experience is in Hong Kong. (Although I have to admit that there is something strange about us traveling for 19 hours to end up at that most American of attractions.)
The park is very nice. Smaller than those in the US, I'm told. It worked out great for us. The weather was overcast and really pleasant, not so hot as last time we were here. Hardly any lines and easy to get around. And except for the food (think bad fast food, with added cultural challenges...), it was a great time. We got to see a lot of the princesses and characters.
Tea for two!
The beloved princesses....Clio told them her name was Princess Belle and they asked her where the beast was!
At Tarzan's treehouse...
We had front row "seats" for the parade. It was a big hit with Clio!
But in the end she surprisingly said the carousel was her favorite part. (I had a hard time getting a good photo, but she really did enjoy it!)

After a full day at Disney, we came back to the room and were planning to go for Japanese food, but Clio crashed hard and we couldn't get her back up. We had some pretty good room service though. I'm worried she will be up in the middle of the night and be starving, but we'll see how it goes.
It's been strange today that we've been stared at a lot. We didn't feel that at all when we were here as a couple last time. Several people have wanted photos with Clio or of Clio with their kids. Most of them seem really curious about our family. I've also heard some think kids who go to the US are very lucky and the luck may rub off on them. It's hard to tell for sure with the language barrier, but she is certainly getting a lot of attention.
Tomorrow we tour Hong Kong with some other families from CCAI. I'm really looking forward to it as we missed this tour last time and I'll have a chance to meet some of my online friends I've been chatting with during the wait.
Looks like you are all having a great time! Thinking of you all!
These pics are so cute. I wouldn't have thought of all of the stares either in Hong Kong necesarily, hmmm. I am glad the trip is going well so far and that you got some rest on the plane (I know I don't remember it as long as it really is either).
Have a great time!
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