Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Great Parents... (Nov. 6)

You know, we were so proud of the fact that Clio didn't know what MacDonald's was...well we can now kiss that goodbye. She knows it now and is begging for it every meal and Tian's has had her first Burger King ice cream cone! Food has been challenging here and we've let convenience and comfort win out several times.

Tonight we did have excellent Chinese food. The menu included things like fried bullfrog and some duck lung soup...but we stuck with things like beef and eggplant and had a very good meal. And fed 4 adults and 3 kids for under $20.

Just so you don't think we are total miscreants, we did manage to get both girls a bath. Here they are looking bright and shiny in their matching bunny jammies!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute pj's!

Hey, Kaitlynn had McD's french fries in Hubei. LOL Even now, evertyhing in moderation (although my kid's prefer Carl's Jr to McD's..thankfully!)