Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Rambling photos and thoughts... (Nov. 7)

Hello all...we are doing well, but time is short to write and post everything I want to share. With two kids, it's proving pretty challenging to get much time on the computer.

I've posted a bunch of photos to try and "catch up" and some thoughts which may be repetitive. I'm sorry it may not all be in chronological order. Since I can only do 4 photos per post unless I do a lot of cut and paste, it's hard to keep it all organized, but I think you'll get the idea. Not up to my usual standards but I figure I'll fix it all when I make it into a book for Tian.

I'll try to get Dane to post so you can get more of his impressions and some details about this stuff. I'm spending most of my effort on getting the photos online! I think it was actually easier last time just to do the Yahoo group than this blog.

We appreciate everyone's comments! It's fun to hear from you! I hope we'll continue to have good Internet access as we travel to LYG in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear all is going well. We are thinking of you all. Love the pics-especially the almost smiling one!!