Thursday, November 08, 2007

Garden Tour (Nov. 8)

I went back and tried to put dates on all my posts since I can't seem to get them in order. Both our camera and computer have the wrong dates and times, so it's been hard to organize and I seem to keep posting in reverse order. Someday I'll go back and fix it all.

We walked to a nice garden from our hotel. While it is nice to get out of the room, these excursions have been somewhat trying for me as I have to carry Tian at all times. I wouldn't mind, but I sure should have been lifting weights to prepare for this.

This tree is 600 years old. It looked half dead on the bottom but had lots of leaves up top. They said it flowers with hundreds of purple flowers each spring.

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Unknown said...

Love that last shot of you and Tian. Just gorgeous!

Patricia said...

Tian is absolutely beautiful... you are so blessed!